So What Is Roger’s Galaxy, Anyway?

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Welcome to Rogers Galaxy!  Enjoy your stay here, and please, feel free to check out the posts, articles, and other frippery found herein.

So, who exactly is Roger, and what is his Galaxy all about?  Well, Roger would be me!  Hi.  And what, pray tell, is my Galaxy?  Just my own little website where I can, and will, post my thoughts on comics, sci-fi, movies, life, and pretty much any geeky thing I come across.  See, I am what is called a “Geek.”  I like speculative fiction and things that go bump in the night, as it were.  When I was just a wee lad, back in the day, there was no such thing as an “internet,” and growing up as a comic book fan got kind of lonely, as I really did not know anyone else into my particular hobby.  Then, the mid-1990s happened and all of a sudden, the internet allowed me to discover a whole community of fellow comic book and sci-fi geeks.  So there you have it.

I am also geeky when it comes to politics, history, current events, and pretty much anything I find of interest (including certain sports), and this is a place for me to post my musings on both the fictional world and the real world.

Have fun, and feel free to leave comments if you find my stuff interesting and shiny.

Here are some quotes to live by:

“Live Long and Prosper!”

“May the Force Be With You!”

“With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility!”
